Eating Disorders Types Discussed

Many eating disorders

types abound because

living in a fast-paced

generation poses a lot

of challenges to many.

Eating is a global

exercise for girls, boys,

men and women.

Just like every other

good, eating could be

abused resulting in different eating disorders types.

Yes, the different eating disorder types are discussed here:


Desiring to be as thin as I possibly could drove me into this.

I skipped meals, exercised excessively, ate very little when I would.

Of course, foods and eating them generally disgusted me.

Headaches  and dizziness were a daily occurrence.

Irritability, nausea, rapid heart beats, and many more were there also.


But what jolted me back to my senses, and helped me calculate my

Way out of trouble was when I experienced sleepless nights.

That's, not sleeping at all for days and nights.

The risk factor associated with anorexia is too high.



Bingers eat while

sitting, while standing,

while on the go…!

They just keep eating

and over eating.

They seem to have

totally lost control over

their appetite.

They care nothing

about the effect of the

too much food on their weight and system.

All they want is More Food, No Exercises.

Fast food is every where, so they could always get some more food.

They eat excessively when they are sad.

Guess what they do when they are happy? Eat more food!

Understandably, they are usually overweight or on their fast way to it.



They overeat like bingers but are weight-conscious.

They want to keep their weight down but have no control

over the food intake.

Their answer to their apparent loss of control is,

Eat as much as possible, as many times as possible,

but ensure you get fast rid of the foods eaten.

The methods used for this vary. It could be by the use of enema or

laxative for a fast purge.

Or inserting fingers into the throat for a throw-up or vomit.


Effects of these eating disorders are enormous.


Please, there are a lot more in the rest of the pages on this website.

Do yourself or your loved one a world of good:

Read and use the rich info in the pages.

It's all free! Enjoy…

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